Monday, September 30, 2019

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning Phetric H. Jones Grand Canyon University Educating the Exceptional Learner SPE 226 Star Smith March 10, 2013 There are many different procedures that students with disabilities must go through. Each procedure is a different step in making sure that these students have the necessary tools to promote lifelong learning. Early Intervention is a process used to service students who might be at risk of not reaching or maintaining at academic grade level. Students receive services that are designed for their special need.This program ensures that students are given an equal chance at receiving the best education that is right for them. One of the first steps that must be done is diagnosing what the developmental disability might be. A developmental disability means that a child is delayed in some area of development (Overview of Early, 2012). A developmental disability can occur in one of five areas, cognitive, physical, communication, social or emotional and adaptive. An example of developmental disability could be a language delay.This would mean that the child has problems processing information. This process could be either receptive or excessive. Another disability would be autism. A student that has autism has problems with communication or socialization. Some of these disabilities are diagnosed early in life from birth to age 2, while others are not noticed or diagnosed until they reach school during the ages of 3 to 5. Once the developmental disability is diagnosed then the next step can begin.Early intervention is a system of services that helps babies and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities (Overview of Early, 2012). Once a child enters schools they are set up on an Individualized Education Plan. However before a student can be set up on an IEP, it must be determined if they qualify for special education services or not. If it is determined that the student is eligible for services then the team of professionals including the general education teacher and special educator teachers get together to devise an educational plan that will best help the student.An IEP or Individualized Education Plan is a set of written plans developed by the special education team with input from the parent and specifies the student’s academic goals and the methods used to reach this goal (Individualized Education Plan, 2013). Things that might be included in an IEP could be that a student be given frequent breaks, extra time or information could be read to them. An IEP also identify things such as transitional arrangement as well as provide a focus for student’s learning and specific timeframes (Individualized Education Plan, 2013).Each student is different therefore making each IEP different as well. Just like with any other assessment, there are many strengths and weaknesses to assessments and interventions used in special education. Some of the assessments that are used in special education are screening tes t, adaptive behavior scales, individual academic achievement test, curriculum based test, test given at the end of a chapter and even standardized test. Some of these assessments use different data sources. These sources can be from observations, reports from parents or students, progress monitoring or response-to-intervention (RTI).One of the main strengths is that with these assessments the teacher can create lessons that are tailored to the needs of the student. Also, assessments helps to give them an early initiative into academic success. The weakness is that these assessments cannot pinpoint very specific curriculum needs (Mooney, 2013). The assessments are too broad they just provide an overview. Also, they can restrict opportunities for these students by denying them access to private or charter school and even certain enrichment programs.There are many transitional programs for students with special needs. These services are used to prepare children as they enter into the w orld of adulthood. One program that is available in Fayette County is Bridging the Gap to Success. This program provides schools the necessary infrastructure needed to provide transitional services to students with intense training and transition. Youthood. org is an online program that helps students decide what they want to do when they get older.Also, Start Early focuses on preparing and elementary and middle students for their transition to post-school activities (Dragoo, 2013). The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities formerly known as National Information Center for Handicapped Children and Youth (NICHCY) is a national information resource center that will provide information on different transitional programs. Families and older students can always check with their state’s transition coordinator to see what other programs are available.People expect for these programs to help, guide and assist them into the next area of their life. That step can be to the next grade level or into the world of adulthood. The key is for each process to be as simple and easy as possible. Each student should be able to transition from one process to another with no problem. This helps people to adjust in a timely manner. No matter what type of special need a student has, there are always programs and services available to assist with learning.Teachers must work together to provide meaningful information that will help these students overcome whatever disability they might have. By diagnosing the disability and creating a plan, students with disabilities will received the services needed reach the next level in life. We want to make sure that these students maintain and reach academic success. The ultimate goal is to provide these students with a meaningful and productive education that they will be able to use throughout life. References Dragoo, K. 2013) Transition Services for Children with Disabilities Retrieved March 12, 2013 from http://ww w. education. com/reference/article/Ref_Transition_101/ Individualized Education Plan (n. d. ) Retrieved March 8, 2013 from http://specialed. about. com/od/specialedacronyms/g/iep. htm Mooney, L. (2013) The Strengths and Weaknesses of Assessments for Early Special Education Retrieved March 11, 2012 from http://www. ehow. com/info_12158052_strengths-weaknesses-assessments-early-special-education. html What is a Developmental Delay (2012) Overview of Early

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alcoholism and its effects on society Essay

The alcohol is a terrible disease that effects not only your own body and mental health but also it effects everybody who surrounds you. By being an alcoholic you are experiencing all different types of problems. It can be either a problem with a lack of money that will bring you to the friends who are going to get tired of it sooner or later, or alcohol will ruin your healthy relationship with your family and your lovely kids. People who are suffering from this disease are usually not successful in anything they are trying to do. Alcohol is simply ruining your life. Alcohol and financial problems We consider an alcohol as a drug that makes you addicted to it really quick. Person will be thinking that one drink will not do anything to him/her, and that might be right. The next time that person will be thinking that if one drink did absolutely nothing to him/her then what could happen with two drinks. And he/she will be keep on going and going until they will reach that point where they realize that they are a typical alcoholics. It’s just like that story with a frog. â€Å"If you put a frog into the bowl with a temperature lower than her body’s, she will jump out immediately. If you put her into the bowl with exact the same temperature as her body or a little bit wormer then she will stay in there. You can be increasing the temperature but the frog will still stay in there because she is not feeling the difference, and she will be there until she literally cooks alive.† Same thing happens to the alcoholics, they are simply not feeling any difference in the ir body temperature. They will be just drinking until they either pass out or just â€Å"cook alive†. Thru all this times they will be spending a quite a bit of money and since they are drinking and keep on wasting time to go buy drinks, that means they are not working most of these days, simply because they are drunk. That can cause them losing their job. The costs of alcohol increase as the alcoholic person builds tolerance to the drug in his or her system. Let’s assume that a beer cost $5 per six pack. That means they will be spending more than $500 a year. If they would stop drinking and  start saving those money, they would’ve easily go to Cuba every year, but instead they choose alcohol. Alcoholics will just keep on spending money until they will reach that point where they will have neither money, neither a life around them and they will think that it’s time to stop now, but no. They are not going to be able to do it that easily, because they are way too addicted to it now! At that point alcoholics will try to go to the hospital where they can get some treatment. According to the website Drug Rehabs, a week at some live-in treatment centers can cost the patient several thousand dollars, as much as a luxury hotel. Also another way they can lose their money is by causing damage not just to themselves but to others as well. The alcoholic person can easily hit another car, that will not only cause a mechanical damages but also in the worst case it can cause death to the innocent person. All this consequences will tear apart the alcoholic. And that’s where they might collapse and commit a suicide. Alcohol and friends Friends is one of the most important things to have in the life. They are always there to provide support and to help thru the hardest times. Friends are playing a big role in any anybody’s life. When person under the effect of alcohol he/she don’t understand all of importance. They can easily harm their best friend, assault their best friend or even kill without even knowing why they are doing it. Of course friends will try to help, they will do everything possible to get that person out of that situation. And he/she still will be drinking and enjoying the moment, they are not going to stick around for that long. Maybe after that person wakes next morning sober and will try to say sorry to their friends. They are not going to be there anymore, because they give a chance to change but unfortunately it wasn’t as important as a beer. In other way if that person have a non-drinking company then it will be easier for him to influence all of his friends just to join him or at list one, then to go thru all this treatments. The alcoholic might ruin the whole life of that person, their dreams, future, maybe even a family, just by influencing him to have some shoots with you every other day. Also there have been so many situation where drunk friend was driving his other friends and suddenly he lost control and all of them died. Alcohol and relationship problems Alcoholism are likely to cause harm for anyone in a relationship with the sufferer. People who find themselves in a romantic relationship with an alcoholic may end up making excuses for their lack of attendances or improper conduct at social functions. Family problems, such as arguing, bickering, stonewalling, withdrawal, and generally poor communication can be find in any couple/family who have an alcoholic person. Families rely heavily on one another for support. This includes both financial and emotional support, which alcoholism can erode over time. Alcoholic person cannot provide neither a money for food and cloth, neither a roof above their head. Families rely heavily on one another for support. That support can easily be demolished by a stupid intoxicated liquid. When alcoholics where trying to build that relationship to have a better life for theirs children and themselves. Instead of fighting thru that, trying to be better they simply gave up and said no to everything they h ad. Now the only thing they will have is a castle out of empty beer bottles. Alcoholic Parents and Children Having an alcoholic parent is one of the worst things that could happen to the child. Children are likely to experience a number of problems related to the parents when alcoholism is involved. They may experience neglect or physical and mental abuse as a parent loses awareness of their actions due to the effects of alcohol. After all of that children might find problems with their own social development. An alcoholic parent unwilling or unable to support the child’s endeavors. This can range from missed events such as soccer games to birthday parties. Kids who are grow up in a family with one or more alcoholics often have emotional problems. Their homes are filled with conflict, tension and stress. As a result many children’s feel depressed and anxious. They might be even afraid to go to school, wet their beds, cry or have night mares. At the end they simply can isolate themselves or develop fears. Children who are living with alcoholics have a higher chance of becoming an alcoholic themselves and they will likely try their first drink before or during their teenage years. In conclusion I would like to say that all this problems would never happened if there was no alcohol involved. There would never been any children who are becoming  alcoholics at age of 15 just because their parents were doing that as well. There would have never happened any innocent deaths due to impaired driving that involve innocent people. None of this problems would never have been raised if only you just had said NO I’m not drinking. Why make it complicated, your life would’ve been much easier. As Jim Carrey said â€Å"I’m very serious about no alcohol, no drugs. Life is too beautiful.† References List The story with a frog is from my head. I red it long time ago in one article. I wrote this in case you will ask for the references and where I got from. Alcohol and children – source: Book – Alcohol by Judy Monroe 1994

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Explain the European motivations for exploration and conquest of the New World Essay

The discovery of the New World happened to coincide with the spread of European power and culture around the known world. This spread was the result of various developments that had occurred, particularly the following: â€Å"the explosive growth of trade, towns, and modern corporations; the religious zeal generated by the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation;†1 as well as the usual reasons of â€Å"greed, conquest, racism, and slavery. †2 By the time of the 1400s, these and other forces combined to make Europeans search for new lands to conquer and settle, as well as for new people to convert, civilize, or exploit. 3 Columbus’ various voyages to the New World opened the door for more exploration and settlement of the New World. The first European power to make concerted efforts to explore the New World was Spain, and they had three distinct motives: to win over converts to Catholicism; to conquer land; and, to get rich. 4 Eventually following Spain were England and France, both of which had similar motives: to extend their empires into the New World, as well as profit from the establishment of colonies in the New World. Clearly, then, the ultimate goal of exploration and conquest in the New World was to increase power and wealth. 2. Explain the religious persecutions in England that pushed the Separatists into Plymouth and the Quakers into Pennsylvania. Explain how England’s Glorious Revolution also prompted changes in the colonies. The Separatists, also known as the Pilgrims, were forced out of England due to their religious beliefs. They were part of the â€Å"most uncompromising sect of Puritans†¦who had severed all ties with the Church of England. †5 They felt that the Church of England was not completely separated from the Catholic Church. Speaking out against the Church of England led to persecutions by King James I and Anglican officials. 6 The Separatists then fled to Holland, but while there, felt that their children were becoming too Dutch and straying from their staunch Puritan beliefs. As a result, they secured a land patent from the Virginia Company and in 1620, sailed to America. 7 The Quakers were the â€Å"most influential of many radical groups that sprang from†¦the English Civil War. †8 They carried further than any other group the doctrine of â€Å"individual spiritual inspiration and interpretation,† which they called â€Å"the inner light. †9 Doing away with many of the trappings of the Church of England, the Quakers embraced a simple way of life and were extremely pacifist. 10 This did not coincide with the ways of the Anglican Church, and thus, they were persecuted a great deal. They chose to leave England and settle in the New World, where they would be able to practice their beliefs without fear of reprisal. First establishing the colony of New Jersey, they soon migrated to the opposite side of the Delaware River and established the colony of Pennsylvania. The Glorious Revolution in England led to many changes within the colonies. The colonies that had been absorbed into the Dominion of New England – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and New Jersey – all reverted to their former governments. 11 They were also able to retain their former status, â€Å"except Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth, which†¦were united under a new charter in 1691 as the royal colony of Massachusetts Bay. †12 Another change was the passage of the Bill of Rights and the Toleration Act in England in 1689, both of which â€Å"limited the powers of the country’s monarchs and affirmed a degree of freedom of worship for all Christians, thereby influencing attitudes – and the course of events – in the colonies. †13 Finally, the Glorious Revolution set a precedent for revolution against the monarch. In other words, it laid the groundwork for the American Revolution, which would free the colonies from British rule. 14 5. Explain how and why the British won the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War was the last of four major wars involving the European powers and their New World colonies. 15 In this particular war, the cause of contention was upper Ohio River valley. Controlled by the French, they became irate when some Virginians moved into the territory to make trade with the Indians easier, as well as to survey land granted to them by King George III. 16 Attempts to warn off the French failed, and eventually warfare broke out in the disputed area. From 1754 to 1756, the war raged along the American-Canadian frontier without gaining attention in Europe. 17 From 1756 until the war ended, it would be merged with the Seven Years’ War in Europe. 18 The change in status of the French and Indian War coincided with a change within the British government. William Pitt became Prime Minister of Britain, and under his leadership, the British would defeat the French. Allied with the Indians, who wanted the French out of their territory, the British utilized their superior naval fleet to cut off French reinforcements and supplies to the New World. 19 The decisive point of the war was the Battle of Quebec in 1759. After two months of attempting to break French defenses, the British were able to find a path that allowed them to get closer to the French camp. In the battle that followed, the British routed the French, thus ending French power in North America. 20

Friday, September 27, 2019

Design an ethics program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Design an ethics program - Essay Example There are many forms of business ethics such as the philosophy of the business. By this we mean that if the sole purpose of the firm is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders then they will not consider the interest of anyone else. Then there is the concept of corporate social responsibility which considers the rights of company and the society as a whole. Then there are ethical issues pertaining to the intra industry competition, corporate governance and the misuse of the ethics for one's own benefits. In order to overcome such ethical issues companies focus more these days towards the formation of their ethical program in the organization. They are diverted towards promoting non social values by addressing such issues on their company websites under headings such as social responsibility charters and the codes of social conduct and so on. There are mainly three ways in which the company can make this ethical program. One such business is ABC manufacturer of cereals offering products for children and family. The company also sells frozen waffles and pancakes. It is very important for them to generate an ethics program as over the years it has been seen that businesses and governments have to confront public, political and legal reactions in cases of misconduct. Compliance with the company's policies, regulations and procedures is an effective tool for the smooth functioning of the organization as well as its reputation of the business. Customers also perceive you positively. Successful organizations particularly lay special emphasis on it due to its benefits. It reduces widespread risk. It is sign of good corporate governance; it will facilitate the company in achieving its goals and long term prosperity. It will promote the values of the organization and help it in maintain its ethical health (Fraedrich & Farrell, 2008-09). There are mainly three ways in which ABC can make this ethical program. ABC can form specific rules and guidelines in order to regulate their standards for example a written code of conduct or it can form a statement which comprises of the missions and values of the business. Then there are some firms that apply corporate philosophy such as Hewlett Packard did, they defined it as HP's way of doing business. Like Hewlett many business organizations use this approach. Research has shown that there are a lot of benefits of such a program such as the prevention of misconduct, this will save the monetary losses and also gain customer trust. The business will be adaptive to organizational change. By implementing the rules they can come up with various other ways of mergers, acquisitions and adapting new technology. Prevent them from getting fines of billions of dollars and penalties which can be very costly. It will help boost the relationship with the stakeholders. Stakeholders are all the groups related to the business that have some form of interest in the business. The company will be able to get away with the corporate scandals if they have a defined compliance and ethics program. Moreover external auditors go through the compliance culture of the company while performing the audit of the company. They have their own

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Using the Plan & Process for Competitive Positioning Essay

Using the Plan & Process for Competitive Positioning - Essay Example The first pitfall involves an ineffective participative structure. Many HCOs make an inclusion of all the people in the organization during the implementation of a strategic plan. However, the top management does not really incorporate the views of other staff members. Therefore, they only have the other staff members physically, but there is a limitation in their participation. In other words, the HCOs do not consider an open communication during the implementation process. In addition, the other staff members feel they are left out in the decision making process and subsequently become discouraged in strategic planning implementation. In addition, the second pitfall is the achievement of a casual consensus rather than a real consensus. A consensus is an agreement reached after the consideration of various conflicting and attaining a compromise. Most HCOs achieve a casual consensus, meaning that after a successful agreement in the setting of goals and objectives, the top management usually implements their own objectives. This makes other employees feel neglected because after all their opinion does not count. The habit of a casual consensus affects most HCOs and has become a culture. The culture does no justice to the implementation of strategic plans; rather they slow the transition process. The first pitfall could be addressed using various techniques. The management of the HCOs could organize various groups of the employees and assign them different roles. This makes every group accountable for their responsibilities and every member must participate in the implementation of strategic planning (Moseley, 2009). The management could also appoint supervisors to monitor and give advice to the groups in the process of implementing the strategic plans. However, the management needs to define clearly the role of such individuals, failure to which

The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the Act of Family and Medical Leave was updated on 16 June 2009 to include new military family leaves entitlements, which was enacted in 2008 under the National Defense Authorization Act. This act was put in place to enable workers to balance work and family responsibilities. The act accommodates employers’ legitimate interests while promoting equal employment opportunities for both women and men. The situation applies to case A, as the employee was taking leave to care for their newborn twins. He was eligible given that he had worked for more than 12 months. Further, the leave was less than twelve weeks. There was no violation in this case because the employee was granted leave and reported back at the stipulated time. Since the leave is unpaid, he was not entitled to any payment. The 1967 law of Age Discrimination was meant to protect individuals and employees aged 40 years and above from discrimination on the basis of age durin g hiring, compensation, discharge, promotion, terms, and conditions, or privileges of employment. â€Å"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces this act†. The situation applies in the case B as the employee, aged above 40 years, was denied promotion because of his age. This happened despite the fact that his work performance was above average. Clearly, this was a violation because the promotion was denied solely on account of his age. The Disability Act of America was enacted to prevent any form of discrimination against employees with disability in transportation, government activities, communication, and public accommodation. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states that the ADA Act of 1990 requires employers to make provisions for reasonable accommodations to qualified employees or job applicants with disabilities albeit without constituting an undue hardship to the company

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Germany and the Gurmans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Germany and the Gurmans - Essay Example The thought of that period painted in me a negative perception towards Germany and the German people in general. However, my current perception is that of respect and understanding of how Germany has contributed significantly to some of the technological advancements we enjoy in the world today. The historical significance of Germany in shaping the politics of the world is also without doubt. A key theme in this perspective is that Germany has always been a primary player in the world politics and as a result a major contributor to the global affairs. Although I had known that Germany had significant influence in the course of things during the 1st and the 2nd world war, I had not known that the influence dated back centuries ago to great leaders such as Frederick the Great. Germany has also produced one of the best scientists that have contributed significantly to the field of medicine. For instance, scientists like Paul Elhrich and Robert Koch who contributed significantly to the scientific fields of medicine, microbiology and immunology. These are men who dedicated their lives for the noble course of humanity with the aim of improving better understanding of diseases. One wonders the condition of the world had there not existed such scientists. Germany is a country that strived to ensure that it was at the forefront of scientific inventions and therefore consolidating its position as one of the leading countries in the world. Such scientists had the whole world in perspective when conducting their experiments in order to find solutions not to the problems of Germany alone but to the problems of the whole world. In the field of psychology and sociology, Germany also produced one of the key contributors in these fields. The contributions of German sociologists and psychologists improved the understanding of mental diseases and human behaviors in the society, thereby setting the pace for contemporary sociologists and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Poverty in The United States of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Poverty in The United States of America - Essay Example The federal government of US has taken some major steps in order to address the problem of poverty. From its initial stages back in 2001, it has come up with many plans that include the progressive income tax, public assistance programmes and economic development programmes. (, 2007) The Progressive Income tax levies higher tax on people with higher income rates and vice versa. All citizens avail the same services. However the tax payable differs. The public assistance programmes extend medical facilities and services like food stamps and medical aid that allow the poor to meet their basic needs. Economic development programmes provide financial aid to help working women and unemployed to establish self employment schemes. These also assist small businesses that cannot face the financial deficit. Money is flooded into training programmes and steps have been taken to reduce the imbalance in income levels. The steps taken by the federal government to generate full employment are appreciable. In spite of all these measures by the government, the citizens are not happy about the way reforms are working and the steps taken by the government. ... The assistance by the government for families with income group below the dynamic threshold calculated. Every year is not doing any good. A better measure would be to keep it as low as 40000 US dollars. (Sawhill, 2006) Statistics show that about 1.7 million poor youth (, 2006) came out of school and work by 2005. The steps taken by the government to aid the youth by having self-employment programmes are weak. A major contribution to unemployment is the problem of the former prisoners. These do not find stable way to become a part of the society. The country with highest incarceration rate hardly took major decision to re-integrate the former prisoners as working labor. The concept of providing unemployment insurance is appreciable. However, this being forwarded to only 35% of unemployed is an unhealthy sign. (Sawhill, 2006) Fewer steps have been taken to reduce costs and improve the financial assistance. The budget proposal of 2007 also has been unjust. It demands the poor, children and elderly to pay for no returns. This approximately eliminates around 300000 people in poor working families from using food stamps and more than 35000 children would be losing the free meals and more than 40000 poor aged would be deprived on supplementary food distribution. (Kuroiwa, 2007) This also implies a reduction of around $600 million as grants for the poor and also pressing hard on the eligibility criteria for TANF scheme (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families). (Kuroiwa, 2007) All this indicate that the welfare reforms of US failed to work efficiently. More than 60% of citizens are not happy about the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Issues Faced by Operations Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Issues Faced by Operations Managers - Essay Example Shortage of funds in financial market can create a problem for managers because supply of money in company leads to different financial activities. Continuous supply is very important for any company to operate. Managers also need to know that what their competitors are doing in the industry. They can't ignore competition around them in this dynamic world. Managers need to be informed that what they are doing in terms of Product development, Pricing, Marketing strategies and many more things. Any type of activity that the competitors do can create lots of problem for the managers. Every organization has an aim to be Global. Managers need to face many difficult situations when they are in foreign countries. They need to tackle certain factors for success when they are abroad. That includes Legal/Political Environment, Economic Environment and Cultural Environment. While going Global managers need to understand the Political and Legal uncertainties in the country they are doing their business. They should be aware of the Specific Legal laws of that country because if they don't know the Legal procedures of that country it can create many problems for them. Many countries have a history of unstable governments therefore managers face dramatically greater uncertainty as a result of political instability. For example the goal of one government is to nationalize the important sectors of the country where as the goal of the other government is to have free enterprises to promote free market economy. Economic environment can also affect manager's decision. The three most important factors in affecting manager decision are Fluctuating currency exchange rates, Inflation Rate and Tax policies. If the country has a high inflation rate in which they are operating can result in high productivity cost which can ultimately decrease their profits. Tax policies are the most concerning for managers. If tax policies are restrictive managers can face challenging situations. Managers need exact information of tax rules so that they can overcome with all the tax obligations.Managers also need to understand the culture of the country in which they are operating. Different countries have different cultures and managers must know they difference of each culture. This is very important factor for managers to take care of, because if they fail to understand the cultural values of that country they can't serve their products and services to the people of that country. For example if a company who is manufacturing Alcohol and is operating in USA and then they open a branch of their company in Saudia Arabia, But as Saudia Arabia is an Islamic State they can't sell the Alcohol in that country because they cultural and religious values doesn't allow them to drink, that can create huge problem for the managers of that company. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Today's organizations are moving towards social responsibility. Managers have to be careful while going for socially responsible because being socially responsi

Sunday, September 22, 2019

War News Censorship Essay Example for Free

War News Censorship Essay Censorship is a general term used to describe the manner at which control of information and its circulation is being employed within a society. Censorship is often administrated with the goal to implicate political suppression and to deliberately impose moral values on others. It can be implemented through government and private pressures, although government sponsored censorship is rendered unconstitutional (â€Å"What is Censorship† 1 ). In the global context, censorship is employed is various ways and behind different rationales. The earliest argument used to rationalized censorship is with respect to religious context, it inculcates values for conscience and moral entities that can make censorship acceptable to the public. Another, issues on national security and defense is also used to justify the censorship. â€Å"Censorship through intimidation† and â€Å"censorship though consensus† are also possible to be employed (â€Å"What is Censorship† 2) On the context of war news media, censorship is used as a tool for propaganda. In every war, there are two battles fought; one is in the battlefield, and the other is through the minds of the people made possible in the propaganda and news releases that are being circulated. The labeling used between the â€Å"good guys† and the â€Å"bad guys† are done in such a way that the media and the government can influence the minds of their readers and the majority of the people to support their cause, or to develop a sense of legitimacy on why they are really ought to be involved in a war. Misleading the people is possible through (1) only covering selected stories; (2) giving out only partial facts; (3) reinforcing reasons and motivations; (4) narrow sources of â€Å"experts† and other resource persons; (5) demonizing their opponents; and (6) narrow range of discourse (Shah, 2005). Moreover, war news media is being censored to restrict and to minimize occurrences for leakage of war photos which are deemed to be violent. Thus, this aspect of censorship is deemed to have implications on the moral values of the people. In a way, censorship is also employed to eliminate the possibility that people will become violent if continuously, they are exposed to violent images and occurrences behind the war (â€Å"What is Censorship† 1 ). Vietnam Era   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vietnam War was the first war that was given full access and full freedom to the journalists. During this era, the journalists were given the freedom to report the war as they have seen it, and they were able to publish images in order to enable to let the public view the war in the most accurate possible way. The earlier war occurrences were beneficial to the American community. The events before the Tet Offensive were proven to have gathered support for the American offensive. However, the spark of the American Embassy in Saigon, as it been publicly watched by the American people, signaled the defeat of the American troops and consequently they have become doubtful to the then present President Johnson’s credibility. Consequently though, this event has led the American support for the war to decrease and falter (Media’s Role in the Vietnam Era) These turn of events, the complete media access and the full freedom to journalistic reporting has proven to be detrimental to the flight of American troops. The outcome of the media coverage and the humiliating coverage of the American defeat in the war have caused the morale of the US soldiers to surge down; and in turn, have boosted the morale of the Vietnamese soldiers which was during this time, were perceived to be the enemy. Further, the media coverage has implicated that the war was more like a â€Å"Communist victory† rather than just plainly the failure of the Tet Offensive. Thus, the war’s ultimate failure to repress the growing Communist idealism in Vietnam was blamed on television and media – that the public has turned against their support against Vietnam War was due to the media’s accurate depiction of the horrors that were inculcated in the war (Humphreys). Contemporary War: Iraq War   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The war in Iraq is currently viewed as media’s â€Å"crisis coverage†. This contemporary war occurrence has also proved the innate strong influence of media, as they still have contributed a delicate role in the anti-Iraq hysteria. The media has published sinister images of the Iraqi leaders that connoted the meaning that they are indeed enemies (Smith, 2001). More so, the media’s mainstream performance has caused the Iraq War to become a disaster. The subjective allegations of the Bush administration that were further accepted , published and proliferated by the media have served as direct blows that further hastened the development of the war. And though there were critical journalists who raised questions despite the growing support for the Iraq war, still the damage of unfair reporting and biased presentation of information has caused the war to further burn (Iraq and the Media).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In addition, aside from the military conflicts and aggression, the Iraq War is more likely a â€Å"war of ideas†, in which the US government has instigated first. The obvious fact is that, the US has anchored their attack solely on the basis of allegations which up to now haven’t been proven to be accurate. And despite the oppositions to the war due to insufficient proofs of Iraq’s direct US threat, the US government has still pushed to the war (Regan 2006). And now, they are under the pressure of winning this â€Å"war of ideas† in order to keep US support from the majority of the world community, which is attainable through strategic dispensing of information and tactical censorship of ideas that are flowing in the global community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the current war in Iraq has once again instituted the means for media censorship. In contrast to the Vietnam War wherein full coverage was given to access the entire war discourse, the current aggression in Iraq has proven to be rather selective and biased on which issues are to be leaked outside for the media to circulate. Moreover, the media along with the military have also covered up the truth behind the occurrences of war – they have been leaking false tallies of war casualties and other records that are relevant to assess the true status of the war. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   War news censorship indeed plays an integral role in any war occurrences. In Vietnam, less censorship has led to the tumbling down of war support from the US community, due to the adversaries that were shown by the media as they were entitled for full coverage of the war. On the other hand, the war on Iraq which is currently under minimal media coverage, in addition to the highly censored and filtered nature of news standards, the US government is able to gather the support from the global community. Further, war news censorship has also greatly influenced the morale of the people who are directly and indirectly involved in the war. Positive or negative feedbacks gathered from media coverage relatively affects the feelings, attachments and morale of the people involved. Works Cited Humphreys, Donald. War on Television. The Museum of Broadcast Communications. 4 December 2007 Iraq and the Media. 19 March 2007. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. 4 December 2007 Media’s Role in the Vietnam Era. Trinity College, Department of History. 4 December 2007 Regan, Tom. Experts: US Must Win â€Å"War of Ideas†. 16 June 2006. CSMONITOR.COM. 4 December 2007 Shah, Anup. War, Propaganda and Media. 31 March 2005. Global Issues. 4 December 2007 Smith, Sharon. â€Å"Targeting Iraq: US Hypocrisy and Media Lies.† International Socialist Review. November-December 2001. What is Censorship?(1) American Civil Liberties Union. 4   December 2007. What is Censorship?(2) 4 December 2007

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Drum And Bass History In Context Film Studies Essay

Drum And Bass History In Context Film Studies Essay Drum and Bass is an electronic music genre that that developed out of Jungle music. A shift of UK Breakbeat Hardcore and the rave scene of the mid-1990s. Drum and Bass has seen many transformations in its style, taking elements from, Hip hop, dancehall, funk, house, and techno. The genre is characterized by heavy bass and sub basslines as well as fast Breakbeats (a sampling of a percussion section as a drum loop), usually played between 160 and 180 beats per minute.The most renown break is known as the Amen break, a four bar sampled drum solo of the song Amen Brother by funk and soul band The Winstons. It has been extensively used in Hip hop as well as sampled based music and also became the basis for Drum and Bass and Jungle music. Drum and Bass was seen to have a more melodic form, differing from the rough style of Jungle. While Jungle seared to the unyielding sonic boom of Ragga another style was gently maturing behind closed studio doors. A soft more textural form of the Jungle equation which cross- matched spliced breaks with an ethereal ambience, cool jazziness and soulful twists. The complete antithesis to the jump up sonics of the rugged and raw Junglist soundtrack, this new home listening version or Drum and Bass as it was simply referred to by artists involved. However promoters and journalists soon added the word, ambient or intelligent to the depiction. The insinuations of the intelligent label caused ramifications throughout the scene. With Junglists arguing that the name implied that the jump up style of jungle was in some way brainless music for dim-witted people. It also had racial implications since the majority of jungle raves were largely dominated by black youths. However this new genre was t hought to be targeted towards a more middle class white audience. Ironically Drum n Bass was simply trying to keep the original ethos of jungle. Concerned with pushing the parameters of sound while engaging influences from the entire spectrum of music, Drum n Bass represented the very spirit of jungle since its earliest house incarnations.  [1]   Drum and Bass development of Breakbeat can be seen as far back as 1991. As T-Power has already suggested, Drum n Bass and Jungle were developing side by sideall along, although very much in the minority, the more mellow style of Drum n Bass was showing itself even during the Dark period.  [2]   One of the better known DJs to explore this development was L. T. J. Bukem. Alongside Fabio and Grooverider Bukem is known as one of the pioneering DJs of the rave scene. His tastes can be traced as far back as the jazzier endeavours of Giles Petersons Dingwall sessions. However by the time rave had hit Bukem was Djing a rare selection of Jazz Funk and prime House tracks to a growing mass of fans. In 1991 Bukem released his 3rd LP Demons Theme pressing up a dub plate to drop in his set; the track gripped the attention of the crowd immediately. Its mellowing vibes along with the rushing breaks and plush ambience created a fresh outlook within the dark ambience of rave. Early 1994 saw a tirade of people coming together to join forces with Bukem. Artists such as La Bello Blanco and Omni Trio began push forward the smooth vibes as established by Bukem. This more ambient style seemed equally at home in clubs as it did on a personal stereo. One of the scenes most influential labels came in the shape of Reinforced Records. Formed by Iain Barouille, Dego McFarlane, Gus Lawrence and Mark Clair who also created music as a collective under the name 4Hero, the label brought about a new level of sound. Boasting a roster of the scenes most influential figures Lemon D, Doc Scott, Goldie, L Double and Grooverider, together they fashioned a collection of tracks which would range from the other-worldly contortions of Peshays Protà ©gà © to the fractured Breakbeats of Doc Scotts Last Action hero.  [3]  Reinforceds approach to music resulted in a continuous ability to predict the next sonic development in Breakbeat science. This display of sound shifts of the future would redefine the Drum and Bass scene. By June 1994 4 hero unleashed their debut album Parallel Universe this was to be a cutting-edge. Dabbling with experimental Jazz, the album draw upon b-boy roots whilst incorporating strings, layered with clear-cut breaks. The album helped to coin a term which exposed the scenes incessant attraction with Jazz. Jazzstep becoming ever more prevalent towards the end of 1994 saw complex Breakbeat structures sounding increasingly similar to the rhythms of Jazz Fusion bands. The adoption of Jazzier vibes by Reinforced Records created a stir at the epicentre of the Drum and Bass scene. Artists such as Fabio would take very opportunity to weave together the jazzier tracks with his Breakbeat sets. Now with the arrival of this new Jazz element within Drum and Bass sound. However for fans of Drum and Bass this new sound could only be enjoyed via the experimental shows of pirate radio stations. This was until October of 1994, Fabio, Bukem, Kemistry and Storm along with an assortment of guests saw a creation of a Monday night session at Mars Bar in Londons west end. The night was proclaimed Speed, it was to become one of the countrys most important club nights. It not only gave a meeting place for likeminded Djs and producers it was also to be the new creative centre of Drum and Bass. However this particular night was far flung from the raging crowds of the old Jungle raves which often saw gatherings of up to 5000 people. Mars bar only had a capacity of a few hundred, paving the way for a whole new generation of Drum and Bass heads, Jungalists and Breakbeat enthusiasts. These were people who listened to Drum and Bass through pirate stations. Indeed Speed was to Drum and Bass what Roast had been to Jungle and Rage to Hardcore. Each week saw Fabio play their smooth and rolling breaks, Bukem on the oceanic tip, washing the crowd with lush string drive epics while Fabio took he vibe deeper into Jazz land. Intricate beats intertwined with strolling bass lines, counter tempos and off key refrains. Speed also saw the clothing style move away from the flesh-revealing lycra and designer casual chic. In its place was a style more in line with hiphop. 1995 finally saw the sound come to the forefront. As this new melodic style of Drum and Bass progressed it became progressively more supported by the media. That years Goldies Inner City Life had been released to universal acclaim, suddenly everyone wanted a piece of Drum and Bass. Some definitions Ambient jungle  Drum and bass tracks with an atmospheric feel/mood/style to them. Some have long intros or ambient breaks. The most popular example is  Bukems Horizons. Artcore / Intelligent  These were the tracks that were initially written in a backlash against the big ragga jungle scene. The term was used most famously for the series of React Compilations, which have included mixes by  Kemistry  andStorm. This was and still is a favourite style for  Good Looking Records   a label that was initially ignored as it did not base its music on the dancefloor. Darkside  The exact opposite to the optimistic and catchy hardcore anthems. Darkside takes in samples from horror movies, deep, dark basslines and screams. Has undergone some serious developements but an ever-present style throughout drum and bass history. Still popular with todays producers i.e.  Blue Sonics   Devil Inside. It is not so much characterised by the samples now but more by the general sound and feel of the beats and synths. Happy hardcore  This is what remains of the original hardcore style, after jungle split off in 1991/92 some DJs and ravers remained loyal to the manic pianos, cartoon samples and sped-up vocals. The music self-destructed to some extent by becoming stagnated and too repetitive, as a result it would appear to be fading fast in the UK but still retains a large following in other countries. Hardstep  A term borne out of Grooveriders seminal 1995 LP Hardstep Selection. Usually simple tracks with deep grinding basslines and minimal or simple Breakbeats. Jazzstep Another sub-genre for those artists who took in jazz influences for their productions. Originated with Alex Reece  but more recently publicised by Bristols  Roni Size Reprazent  and  4 Hero. Still a style going strong. Jump-up  The style for the dancefloor. Big, bad drums and strong basslines. Often utilise vocal samples so once you hear some tracks you never forget them. Most at home in a club or event and guaranteed to get people moving (even if its only head-nodding.) Ragga-jungle  The style of the originators. Many of the early jungle tunes took in ragga influences spawned one of jungles greatest chart successes: M-Beat feat. General LevysIncredible  and Shy FXs  Original Nuttah. The influence has died right down with the  Tribe Of Issachars Tribal Natty being a lone example of recent years.